各位親愛的酒友 , 相信各位等這支Hanyu已經等到頭髮快白了 , 相信我 , 我跟各位一樣 , 等到快昏倒了 , 還沒等到這支酒的蹤影 , 難道被放鴿子了 ? 喔 ~~~ 當然不是 , 因為Brian不是酒商 , 沒有酒牌 , 因此Hanyu 2008採每週一箱(7支) 的方式進口 , 除此之外 , Brian的外國友人工作相當忙碌( 酒專&裝瓶廠老闆一定要這麼忙嗎 ? ) , Brian的友人前幾天寄給我一封信 , 原文照登 , 各位看了就明白了 ! 

Hi Brian!
How are you?
Everything is just fine here! I bought a collection with 380 old bottles in the US this week. A few weeks ago I visited Scotland again for one week, it was very nice with good food and whiskies!!
Thank you for forwarding my contact details to your friend Richard. I look forward to meeting him.
The arrival of the Hanyu in The Netherlands is a few weeks delayed. The label they printed was of inferior quality, the labels had to be printed again.
I still have plenty of bottles available and would be happy to sell some more to Taiwan. Please just let me know how many you want? (it’s 24 bottles now)
I’ll try to find a Lagavulin festival bottling for you. I also forward the bottle from Chris Watkin this week, sorry for the delay!
Kind regards,

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